Fun @ MPowerSoft Bangalore Office!


By Samiksha Seth with inputs from Shabreen Taj

Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half.

Bum Phillips

Work and Fun need not be the antonyms in an employee’s life. While most of the employees devote their crucial “ten hours [almost]” to a workplace, it need to be appealing, fun and encouraging as well. The industry experts recommend fun and work to go hand in hand to get a workforce that is motivated! That’s exactly what MPower Softcomm @ Bangalore Office tried in achieving by hosting a series of events last year. The exclusive post to have glimpses on the amusing side of employees and workplace! Are you ready?

Team Outing At Guhantara Resort

Guhantara Resort, located on the Kanakapura Main Road, is a cave dwelling theme resort. The resort is a fun place to refresh your mind, body and soul with several activities that could keep you engaged for a day. MPower Softcomm Team visited the very first underground cave resort on 14th of August 2015, where the team was in a midst of (more…)

An Introduction to Puppet the configuration management tool – Part 2


watermarkBy Samiksha Seth with inputs from Genis Thankachan

In the first part of the article we introduced Puppet – the configuration tool and how it could be an effective mechanism in handling servers. In case you have missed our part one, or feel like revising here is the link. The part two of the article would talk about the installation and usage guide of Puppet tool. So, let’s get started –

Pre-Install Checks

Before you start on the deployment, make sure to run these pre-install checks

Pick the Deployment Type

The deployment could carried out in two ways –

Agent/Master Puppet

The configuration and architecture of the deployment was described in Part One and most of the firms uses this configuration for simple reason (more…)

An Introduction to Puppet, the Configuration Management Tool – Part 1

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An Introduction to Puppet, the configuration Management Tool

By Samiksha Seth with inputs from Genis Thankachan

Puppet Dance has been a favorite pastime for many kids, however did you ever thought that a puppet tool could help you managing the software release and product versions? If you answered a yes, great! But if you are clueless, MPowerSoft brings to you an exclusive post on Puppet – the configuration management tool for IT administrators, and how it helps in server automation and configuration and how it could work seamlessly in different environments.

What is a Configuration Management Tool?

When a network is a setup, all machines are to be connected, software’s to be installed that need an update on regular basis. (more…)

Database Development Lifecycle [DDLC] is the lifeline of databases! Do you agree?

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by Samiksha Seth with inputs from Sadhu Ram

Databases may be just one part of whole software development lifecycle but are the most critical as they have the most “valuable information” stored with them – the data! Most of the firms and companies understand the criticality and often have backup servers in place to avoid any outages. But how about the other factors of databases like – deployment? Designing? Performance? Security? Are they also to be considered?

The Database team at Mpower Softcomm realizes the value of Databases and, more importantly, believe that it stores the confidential information of their loyal and reliable client base, and hence they need to put in “extra” efforts to provide them a hassle-free service well-equipped with protection and is also cost effective to the firm. All of this could be achieved by a structured and right adoption of DDLC or Database Development Lifecycle. Let’s take a sneak peek into DDLC followed at Mpower Softcomm and how it has benefitted them.

What is Database Development Lifecycle [DDLC]?

A DDLC is a subset of SDLC [Software development life cycle] and is used to design, plan, develop (more…)

Mobile Wallets – An Effective Money Manager and Smart Online Money Transfer Tool! But Who’s the best?

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Mobile Wallet – An effective money manager and smart online money transfer tool

By Samiksha Seth with inputs from Suresh Madhur

Have you ever thought that in future carrying your clothes and jewellery is quite possible on your smartphone? You might smile at that statement, but just a few years back, did you ever envisage that wallets could exist digitally? We did not, right?

M-Wallets or Mobile Wallets have been making some noise recently! Have you used one? Do you think mobile wallets are same as mobile banking? Do you own any of the mobile wallets available in the market? How was the experience? Did it felt like a wallet? Does the idea of being “cashless” is still hard to digest?

A very recent research done by 6Wresearch, India Mobile Wallet market is projected to generate (more…)

MPower Softcomm – Dev Tools, Cycle, and an Insight into Their Craftsmanship – Part 2!

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                                                              Servers – The Lifeline Of the Industry

By Samiksha Seth with inputs from Nirbhay Varshney

The article is a four part series and in case you have missed reading our Part 1. Here is the link. The part 2 of the Development Tools series will talk about the Web-server and Application Servers tools used by the MPower Softcomm development team, their benefits and the reason we chose them amongst their competitors supported and explained with a use case. Let’s get started –


Various Tools and the Architecture Flow


Dev Tools Integration
                                                        MPower Softcomm Server Architecture

The below figure illustrates the architecture of various development tools used in MPower Softcomm. The Web server and application server tools constitute of Beego, Rabbit MQ, and (more…)

MPower Softcomm – How Processes Helped them to Conquer!

MPower Softcomm Journey in the Process World
                                           MPower Softcomm Journey in the Process World

By Samiksha Seth with inputs from Rachna Jain

When something goes wrong, it’s either because there is too much process, too little process or the wrong process. Likewise, when something goes right, it’s because the right resources (people or systems) were engaged at the right time. What dictates that is again a process. -Mihnea Galeteanu

Starting a company or a new department within a company is not only about hiring skilled resources and delivering, but laying the right processes. The processes that help you attain customer satisfaction building trust and delivering a quality product. A right process not only helps win customers but also nullifies competition. With startups evolving at every corner of the metro city, most of them worry about getting investors and marketing strategy! How often we think of laying processes and getting certification? Not until we acquire a handful of clients? But the story at MPower Softcomm was a bit different, and this post would narrate exactly about the steps taken in ironing the processes in each department (more…)

FUN@ MpowerSoft

Fun @ MpowerSoft

By Samiksha Seth with inputs from KamalPreet Kaur Sawhney

The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. – Robert Frost

Could you agree more to it? Blame it to routine or monotony, but at times employees do not feel like “working.” Be it the first rain when you think of venturing out on a road trip with your buddies or when winters knock in, and you feel more of going into hibernation in your cozy bed, sipping ginger tea now and then. Seems like a perfect “bunk day from Office”. But how about having some fun in Office?

At MpowerSoft, we believe that having fun officially is merrier and enhance the bonding amongst your teammates and other office colleagues. (more…)

Enterprise Application Software [EAS] Market in India

Enterprise Application Software [EAS] Market in India
                                       Enterprise Application Software [EAS] Market in India
By Samiksha Seth with inputs from Anjali Bharadwaj

Every industry is under immense pressure fighting against competitions, customer demands and adapting themselves to newer technologies. In this highly competitive world to still attain an upward trend in sales and grasp the customer response time, enterprises are exploring newer avenues in enterprise business solutions and also e-enabling their internal systems. Gartner, the leading market research firm, has projected that enterprise software market in India would be worth $4.7 billion in 2015, the fourth largest in Asia Pacific. That seems to be true in every sense of newer technologies like Big Data, Cloud, Social Media, Mobility, Business Intelligence already transforming the Enterprise Application Software market, the predictions in every sense seems to be accurate!

What is Enterprise Application Software (EAS)?

EAS is purpose-designed computer software used to satisfy the needs of an organization rather than individual users. An enterprise application is one that interacts with multiple parts of a business/organization. Enterprise applications make use of databases and other organizational assets across a heterogeneous network. The term “Enterprise Software” (more…)

MpowerSoft’s take on Veeam Explorer for SQL Server

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                                                        Salient Features Of Veeam Explorer

By Samiksha Seth with inputs from Arpit Singh

A 2010 report on the annual cost of data loss estimated a figure of $18.2 billion is stressing the DIRE NEED of technology and innovation to provide more robust and fool-proof techniques to backup your data and reduce data loss. Disaster recovery and data backup are an integral part of the digital world, in fact, the famous author William R. Stanek quoted – “Information is eternal, computers are ephemeral, backup is the savior.” One of the latest saviors to offer rapid and transaction-level recovery of SQL [Structured Query Language]databases is Veeam Explorer. The current post is dedicated to the quintessence of Veeam Explorer and its different facets of usage in the digital world.

What is Veeam Explorer?

SQL Server is an integral part of our digital world, and even a small data loss from them could result in a major impact on the business. Most of the firms look for some crude protection offerings. Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SQL just rightly fits the needs of enterprises and business needs. It offers additional restore options addressing the entire DB issues all the way down to transactional level and could also restore the whole of VM [Virtual Machine]. (more…)